A open letter to you

Dear you,
I have decided to write you this letter because I have thought that after all this years it was necessary for me to write to you.

I want you to do a simple exercise. Sit down in a comfortable place and breathe in and breathe out. Once you have done that, just take a look back at where you were exactly 2 years ago. Has anything changed? The answer is quite simple.

You will probably say you are the same person you were before but no, a lot of things inside you have changed; you have grown up and now you are a mature person. Now, you are not scared of being who you are, you have found or almost found your place in this life. You like your choices, either good or bad.

And you know, that makes me feel so proud of you. Proud?, you will say. Yes proud. Proud of seeing how much you have achieved in these last two years; proud of seeing how you have stood up when someone knocked you down; proud of seeing how your errors have led to be who you are today.

Proud of you.

And I will like you to make a promise. Promise me you won't change, you won't go back to who you used to be. Don't hide yourself again, don't blame yourself and don't hate it. Don't let other people to knock you down like they used to do. Keep growing, keep being strong and keep being yourself.

Now that you have finally found who you want to be, hold it on tight and don't let it go.

Love yourself everyday. Wake up with a smile everyday. Keep making all of us proud.

Yours sincerely,
Yourself 💕

Querido tú,
He decidido escribirte esta carta porque después de tanto tiempo, he pensado que era necesario para mí escribirte.

Me gustaría que hicieras un pequeño ejercicio. Siéntate en un lugar cómodo y respira hondo. Una vez que lo hayas hecho, quiero que eches la vista atrás y veas donde estabas hace dos años. ¿Ha cambiado algo? La respuesta es muy sencilla.

Probablemente digas que sigues siendo la misma de siempre pero no, muchas cosas han cambiado; has crecido y ahora eres más madura. Ya no estas asustada de ser quien eres, has encontrado, o casi lo has hecho, tu sitio en este mundo. Te gustan tus elecciones, tanto las buenas como las malas.

Y sabes que, eso me hace estar muy orgullosa de ti. ¿Orgullosa? diras. Si orgullosa. Orgullosa de ver todo lo que has conseguido en estos dos ultimos años; orgullosa de ver como te has levantado despues de que alguien te hundiera; orgullosa de ver como tus errores te han llevado a ser quien eres.

Orgullosa de ti.   

Y me gustaria que hicieras una promesa. Prometeme que no vas a cambiar, no vas a volver a ser quien eras. No te escondas, no te culpes, no te odies. No dejes que la gente te hunda otra vez.
Sigue creciendo, sigue siendo fuerte y sigue siendo tu misma.

Ahora que finalmente te has encontrado, agarralo fuerte y no lo dejes escapar.

Quierete todos los dias. Sonrie todos los dias. Sigue haciendonos sentir orgullosos.



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