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What is Remembrance? Remembrance is the act of of remembering, the ability to remember or a memorial. In the UK, Remembrance is the time of the year in which the nation honours and remembers those who fought and died in conflicts from 1914 to present days. The Remembrance events are celebrated on the second weekend of November. The Field of Remembrance The Field of Remembrance is an annual memorial garden held on the lawn of St. Margaret's Church, next to Westminster Abbey. It is comprised of hundreds of plots laid out with the names of military associations and other organisations. It is organised every year by the Poppy Factory, a charity that supports veterans with physical and mental health conditions find their way back into employment,  took a group of disabled veterans, a tray of poppies and a collecting tin to the grounds of   St Margaret's Church  at the Abbey. Only a handful of poppies were planted around a single cross, but it began a tradition that has grown

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